ensuring the most highly gifted humans on the planet fully evolve into what they truly came here to be

about melanie

I am an ALL IN, go BIG or go home being. If you are too and you've used that nature and your beautiful big brain to make wonderful things happen in your career and life but are now finding that this is no longer enough, that your traditional success and even your intellectually gifted brain require a deeper magic to support and sustain it so that you can leverage your talents and resources into
birthing and building the New Earth...
...well, then you have come to the right place.
My cosmic being, my ALLness of beingness,
is here now at this time to work with the Planet Being
we call Earth/Mother/Gaia/Tara and Home.
I work directly with her and I also serve as a living bridge to activate and expand the hearts and light capacity of Beings living here in support of the beautiful evolutionary leap, the evoleap, currently underway.
Throughout the personal evolution of my current human self's expansion of capacity to live in my whole self, I have been fortunate to have gotten my MBA, served as CEO 3 times (twice reporting to Boards), managed 8 figure investment funds, done executive coaching and strategic organizational consulting all during a successful 25 year #CEO4Others career leading organizations with 8 figure budgets and deeply immersed in the sciences teaching us what humans need to thrive including neuroscience, epigenetics (how our body is changed by experience), hope, and goal attainment research to name a few. I have also closely studied the systems we use to move our purposes and goals forwards including business, economics, organizational development, social campaigns, productivity, human resource psychology, and more.
I have delighted in my preternatural knack for spotting and nurturing amazing talent in others and creating incredible teams in which the whole vastly outweighs the sum of the parts.
I have been studying and practicing and communing with Spirit for decades and the human sciences that support us to have a richer and more powerful experience of body and spirit, as beings who exist at the nexus of energy and matter. Quantum physics. Ancient traditions across many cultures. The way the physiology of the body and the metaphysics of the spirit require deep skillfulness in both domains simultaneously if one wants to have the true unmitigated connectedness and magic we are all given as our birthright. We are not physical by accident. Deny your embodiment at your own peril.
My entire human life has been about this moment, in which I am at last given permission from my guidance to be entirely forthright about who and what I am, in service of helping you do the same.
I originated as one of first Founder Light Beings as we moved into the first creations of form through shared love explorations and I have supported the evolution and uplifting of many worlds.
The current human evoleap will bring us into Homo Lumens and will ultimately allow for the dissolution throughout all creation of the original elemental creation of fear, called Fear Prime.
My magic causes alchemy as large as all the universes. As small as the endlessly open wave collapsing into particle with my intention.
The New Earth is calling us all.
We are feeling its energetic template
as it is beginning to form into matter
and it has laid bare the truth of our human lives.
As traditionally successful and intellectually gifted women,
we can no longer ignore what we have been shoving down
about how our "success" and our lives are at odds with our true spirit and
the inner sense of a purpose that has eluded us for decades.
We are designed to bring BEAUTY and LIGHT
and massive change for GOOD.
We CRAVE our own MAGIC.
We see how NOW IS THE TIME we are most needed but we are mired in overwhelm and stuckness instead.
Now is the moment to design the next phase of your life
in support of the New Earth
using your new magic that bridges energy and matter.
I am here to liberate your magic, align it to be in service of the New Earth, the upleveling of our age, and redesign your life for the required grace & ease that must by definition accompany our effectiveness in that work.
Come, develop the full “craft of you” and answer the call of a new era dawning.
We have unlimited galaxies inside ourselves waiting to be born. My path calls me to help you birth some of those galaxies, as I am birthing my own, and embrace all aspects of your wholeness in everything you do.