ensuring the most highly gifted humans on the planet fully evolve into what they truly came here to be
I know... you want proof. Is Melanie as badass as she claims?
Is her mysticism, magic, science, and spirit work as powerful as I need?
The answer is YES.
But if you'd like to hear about it from others, here you go:

Katie H. ~ Business Owner
“best choice I've made this year”
"Melanie has orchestrated content that brings me an ideal balance of reflection, connection, intention, and action."

Malik T, ~ CEO
“unexpected epiphanies”
"You know that feeling when someone unlocks a THING for you and you have a sense of direction after floundering for a while?
Me, too, thanks to Melanie Gillespie!"

Karen K. ~ Entrepeneur
"I AM finding joy in my life...”
"...and I believe I will continue to do so. I will be forever grateful for you, your program and the HUGE part you are playing my transformation!

Priya ~ C-Suite Major Global Company
Priya got a promotion just a few weeks into the program,
which she says wouldn’t have happened without The Burnout Escape Plan. This will mean as much as a 40% increase in bonus-based income growth, but more importantly to her, it also means the breaking of a major glass ceiling for women of color in her company.

Bethany R. ~ Therapist
“Spirit-centered coach who is also fiercely real”
"Melanie encourages me to honor my wild heart and leap forward... Melanie will be Sam AND Gandalf to your Frodo."

Katherine ~ Entrepreneur
“Melanie is intuitive and compassionate”
"[she] understands and draws out exactly what next steps will help me level up in my work as a business owner."

Teresa ~ Senior Director
"pain abated, sleeping better, energy increased"
"I'm sleeping better after just 3 weeks and rarely clench my jaw. All of my oral pain has abated and back pain is no longer a daily issue. I'm seeing possibilities and opportunities. My energy level has increased."

Tracy M. ~ Senior Manager & Small Biz Owner
"stunned by the sense of spaciousness she has helped me to create."
"In our session yesterday, I told Melanie one of my fears about joining the program was that I was so maxed out and low energy that I honestly could not add one single thing to my to do list. Four weeks later, I am stunned by the sense of spaciousness she has helped me to create."

Karen W. ~ Small Biz Owner
"By day 3...."
"I'm feeling some major shifts happening.
Grateful for you and your program!"

Rachel V, ~ Entrepeneur
"Oh! This is what health looks like!"
"Even just three weeks in, my life and energy feels so much more spacious, my health so much better."

Meredith M. ~ Nonprofit Executive Director
“Turning my professional challenges into an opportunity”
"One of the most powerful things that Melanie has done for me routinely is turning my angst or professional challenges into an opportunity. As a leader, I know this is possible, but as a human, I don't always see it."

Tania ~ Senior Manager
"There's a huge shift in perspective..."
"...when you move from 'how will I survive' and 'how can I avoid being crushed' to having boundaries in place that allow me to focus on balance and improvement."